Clean Car Cover at Home

If you live in India, you would know that it’s really tough to get a sufficient parking space. Save for some lavish societies, the rest doesn’t even have dedicated parking spaces and we see our cars parked aside the roads. It becomes a necessity to use car cover in India to protect your ride from scratches, stray animals, bird droppings and extreme weather conditions. If you are looking to buy car covers online, check Carorbis to get the best car covers at great prices. Moving further, let’s learn how to clean car covers at home.

How to Clean Car Cover at Home

Washing a car cover isn’t a tedious process as they are made to tackle tough beatings and scrubs. But there are some things you should keep in mind before getting your hands soaked in foam. There are essentially two ways to clean car covers. Either you can wash the cover with your hands or use a commercial washing machine. Let’s see the steps to wash your car cover by hands.

If you want to wash your car’s cover with hands, it’s better to do the car wash on the same day itself, you will know why further. To start with, you need to have a large tub, detergent, a hosepipe, a sponge and an empty space to hang the cover. Firstly, apply the cover on your car and use to hose pipe to get rid of all the bird droppings and debris. Once that is done, apply the foam water with a sponge on the car cover and rub in a circular motion. Doing it with a bit of pressure will take all the dirty elements off the surface of the cover. After that is done, wash the cover with a hosepipe and ensure all the foam is out from the surface.

Now repeat the process again after putting the car cover inside out on the car. The inner layer of the cover should also be cleared for better paint protection and an overall clean car experience. It is worth noting that the pressure must be in check with the inner layer as it is not as dirty as the outer one. In addition to that, the stitches are done on the inner layer which could get damaged if too much pressure is applied. After cleaning the inside with foam as well, take off the cover from the car and spread it across a handling rope and let it dry. As you have cleaned your car cover, now it’s time to clean the car as well and you can use the same sponge and foam water. Check carorbis to get the beast car care products at great prices.

Also read: How To Clean Car Seat Covers At Home.

How to Clean Car Cover with Washing Machine

Cleaning the car cover by using a washing machine is rather easy when compared to the tedious self-cleaning. However, it is recommended to use commercial washing machines with front openings. Our home washing machines may not be the perfect fit for the job and could tear the cover and also put some damage on the mechanicals. Hence, it is recommended to use commercial washing machines when it comes to washing car covers.

Also read: How To Fold Car Cover – Fold And Apply Car Cover Alone

Before going further, you should ensure if your car cover is machine washable or not. While most car covers are, some soft-compound covers are not machine washable. You will need a normal household detergent to do the job. Add normal water to the machine and rinse the car cover with detergent. Let it wash with sufficient cycles and then pour it inside out again and let it rinse. This will clean the cover and help to get rid of all the debris, pollen and bird droppings. Once you are done with washing, air-dry the cover and you are done.

While the whole process may sound easy, there are some things you should keep in mind. Never use hot or cold water to wash the cover. Always use normal tap water as extreme temperatures can hut the water repellant properties of the surface. In addition to that, avoid using fabric softeners or bleach while using car covers. Also, do not use washing machines that have top loading and centre agitators.

We hope you found this guide helpful, to read such interesting DIYs and guides, check Carorbis Blog and also read Difference Between Petrol Engine and Diesel Engine Explained and Car Interior Decoration Ideas To Make Your Car Stand-Out.

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