How Does Coolant Keep Your Engine Running?

How Does Coolant Keep Your Engine Running?

Engine coolant in a car is a fluid that runs through an engine in order to keep it within its correct operating temperature range.Engine coolant is made from ethylene glycol or propylene and water along with some protective additives. Coolant is sometimes called antifreeze and is used in cold climates that tend to freeze the…

Why Is an Alternator Essential to a Car?

Why Is an Alternator Essential to a Car?

Many people think the battery powers all the electrical equipment on board a car, from the windshield wipers, headlights or stereo system. They may be surprised to learn that it is not in fact the battery but the alternator that supplies most of the electricity to the electrical equipment on board a car. The battery…

Why Do Car Engines Overheat and How to Deal With Them?

Why Do Car Engines Overheat and How to Deal With Them?

Engines in our cars are meant to be durable, but when excessive amounts of heat are generated by the engine beyond normal temperatures, the components meant to cool this heat may begin to fail. This may cause permanent damage to an engine and also the hoses, gaskets and seals that keep the engine running. Engines…

Fuel Mileage dropping without any reason? Here’s some possibilities beyond the obvious!

Fuel Mileage dropping without any reason? Here’s some possibilities beyond the obvious!

Modern vehicles on the road are reaching high-mileage milestones whereas some drivers are left asking the question Why is my fuel mileage dropping? The drop in fuel mileage doesn’t just drain your fuel tank as fast as possible, but your wallet too. There are several ways to keep your fuel mileage on average if you…

What is a car fuse and how does it work?

What is a car fuse and how does it work?

A car fuse is a component that is designed to protect electrical systems in cars. If a fuse detects a particularly dangerous level of current, the fuse disconnects the circuit, thereby offering protection against overcurrent and short circuiting. Commonly they are known as automotive fuses. The various types and sizes available are best suited to…